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:: Volume 8, Issue 1 (Vol8 No1 Spring 2021- 2021) ::
J Child Ment Health 2021, 8(1): 14-26 Back to browse issues page
Investigating the Mediating Role of Meaning of Education in the Relationship between Academic Optimism and Academic Performance of Students
Laya Jafari1 , Masoud Hejazi * 2, Akbar Jalili2 , Afsaneh Sobhi2
1- Zanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan, Iran
2- Department of Psychology, Zanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan, Iran
Abstract:   (4102 Views)
Background and Purpose: Academic performance is one of the important components in education that has always been addressed by programmers, school principals, teachers, and parents, who have always tried to provide appropriate conditions for enhancing the academic efficiency of students. This study was conducted to investigate the mediating role of meaning of education in the relationship between academic optimism and academic performance.
Method: This study was an applied research in terms of research objective and a descriptive-correlational study in terms of gathering the data. Data were collected from a sample of 250 secondary school girls in Khorramdareh by random cluster sampling. Meaning of education Questionnaire (Henderson-King& Smith, 2006) and Academic Optimism Scale (Tschanen-Moran et al., 2013) were used to collect the data. Also to evaluate the academic achievement, the average score of students in the first and second semesters were used. Data were analyzed by structural equations in SPSS22 and MPLUS 7.4.
Results: Findings showed that there was a significant positive relationship between academic optimism and academic performance (P<0.01) and that meaning of education plays a mediating role in this relationship.
Conclusion: The results show that academic optimism directly improves students 'academic performance, but it affects indirectly the academic performance through the mediating role of meaning of education.
Article number: 2
Keywords: Academic optimism, academic performance, meaning of education, students
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2020/12/5 | Accepted: 2021/05/2 | Published: 2021/06/8
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Jafari L, Hejazi M, Jalili A, Sobhi A. Investigating the Mediating Role of Meaning of Education in the Relationship between Academic Optimism and Academic Performance of Students. J Child Ment Health 2021; 8 (1) : 2
URL: http://childmentalhealth.ir/article-1-1083-en.html

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