Quarterly Journal of Child Mental Health- About the Journal
About the Journal

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About the Journal

Full Journal Title Quarterly Journal of Child Mental Health (Previously title "Child Psychological Development")
ISSN:          2423-3552
e-ISSN: 2476-5740
Website:   http://childmentalhealth.ir/
Email: psydevch [at] gmail.com
Journal Disciplines:    Developmental disorders, Childhood disorders, Mental health prevention and promotion, Psychological treatments for children, Psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy, Psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy, Mental health services and supports for children and their families, Cognitive development, Emotional development, Moral development, Behavioral development, Family and child mental health, Parenting styles, Attachment styles, Parent-child interaction, Academic achievement, School and children, Inter-disciplinary approaches to child mental health, Mental health services for children with special needs.
Language: Persian Full-text/ English Abstract & Bibliography
Start Year:    2015, Winter
Frequency Quarterly 
Type of Material:    Serial (Periodical) 
Editor-in-Chief:      Abbas Ali Hossein Khanzadeh, Ph.D.
Publisher:  Abbas Ali Hossein Khanzadeh, Ph.D.
Status:    Active
Refereed:     Double-blind Peer Review
Type of Access:   Open Access (OA)
Full text available format:   PDF
Type of License: CC BY-NC-ND
Plagiarism Detection Software: iThenticate
Article Processing Charges Review fee: 2500000 Rials (22 USD), Acceptance fee: 5000000 Rials (45 USD)
Principles of Publishing Ethics:   COPE’s Code of Conduct and Best Practices
Document Identifier Type DOI

About the Journal
The Journal of Child Mental Health (JCMH) is an open access quarterly journal. JCMH publishes articles that advance theory and practice and promotes methodologically sound research in child mental health. It publishes original articles, high quality, and peer-reviewed child mental health services research of relevance to academics, clinicians and commissioners internationally.

All published papers should be of direct relevance to mental health practitioners and clearly draw out clinical implications for the field. Papers from all disciplines addressing child mental health are welcome, including specific focus areas such as childhood disorders, emotional-behavioral disorders, policy and risk behavior, psychological development of children, schools, and educational systems, children and society, epidemiology, mental health prevention and promotion, community-based interventions, psychotherapy, pharmacotherapy, psychological treatments for children and their associated systems. The Journal publishes review articles, original research (including brief reports and case series), and clinical papers.

Manuscript features
The journal welcomes manuscripts presenting information not previously published in other journals. Papers are considered for publications in several categories: Original Research Articles, Review Articles, Case Studies, Short Communications, and Letter to the Editor. JCMH practices peer-review process to guarantee the scholarly content of submitted manuscripts by international experts. JCMH’s editorial board selects manuscripts of high quality studies. Manuscript submitted to JCMH should describe novel results generated by experiments that were guided by clearly defined aims or hypotheses.

Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

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